Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Movie - 40 Guns to Apache Pass

Said to be cool 40 Guns to Apache Pass movie (Gewehre zum Apachen Pass).

Movie Premier in 1967.

Col. Homer Reed: [to Capt. Bruce Coburn upon his successful delivery of needed rifles] For once, I'm *glad* you disobeyed orders!, Col. Homer Reed: Captain, there are two ways to get men through a door; *kick* 'em through, or you can *lead* 'em through.::Capt. Bruce Coburn: That's right, sir. You'll wind up in the same place *anyway*.
Copyright Holder: Copyright MCMLXVI - Admiral Pictures, Inc.
The Apaches are on the warpath and the Army must defend them. Murphy's mission is to get a shipment of rifles, but it's stolen by greedy white traders with the help of mutinous soldiers.
Certificates: USA:Approved, UK:PG, Finland:K-16, Sweden:15, West Germany:12
Color Info: Color
Countries: USA
Genres: Western, Adventure, Romance
Languages: English
Locations: Lovejoy Buttes, Lancaster, California, USA, North Ranch - Lindero Canyon Road at Kanan Road, Agoura Hills, California, USA, Red Rock Canyon State Park - Highway 14, Cantil, California, USA
Runtimes: 95, West Germany:93
Sound Mix: Mono
Tech Info: OFM:35 mm, PCS:Spherical, PFM:35 mm, RAT:1.85 : 1
Release Dates: USA:1 May 1967, West Germany:23 June 1967, Austria:July 1967, Finland:22 September 1967, Denmark:13 November 1967, Sweden:22 January 1968

In movie played:

James Beck (actor)

Michael Blodgett (actor)
His jail-yard flogging in _There Was a Crooked Man... (1970)_ (qv) ranks 67th on a list published in the book: "Lash! The Hundred Great Scenes of Men Being Whipped in the Movies."
Nick Names:Blodg
Death Notes:Los Angeles, California, USA (heart attack)
The handsome and engaging Michael Blodgett be born by January 1, 1940 bordered by Minneapolis, Minnesota. Blodgett attend the University of Minnesota and embark on his acting export in his hometown of Minneapolis. Michael earn a imperative amount in diplomatic science from Cal State Los Angeles and attended Loyola Law School in favour of a year. In the summer of 1967 Blodgett was the emcee on "Groovy," a weekly TV program of seashore do music that was tube performance on Los Angeles' Channel 9. In 1968 Michael subsequently switch to Channel 11 and go on to dollop via funds of the host for "The Michael Blodgett Show," a 90 teeny bargain show where on earth he interview such guests as Connie Stevens, Agnes Moorehead, Pat Paulsen, and Henry Mancini. He made his show debut as a beach bum in "A Swingin' Summer." Blodgett achieve his paramount drawn out cult popularity near his topmost portrayal of blithely decadent and hedonistic playboy Lance Rocke in Russ Meyer's outrageously campy excess "Beyond the Valley of the Dolls." Other likeable the flicks role encompass kitschy immature internee Coy Cavendish in "There Was a Crooked Man," free-spirited hippie Lee Ritter in the offbeat bounce facet "The Velvet Vampire," and disrespectful masseur Roger Hudson in "The Carey Treatment." Blodgett individual a inveterate role on the short-lived TV round "Never Too Young." Among the TV show Michael notice guest a skin condition on be "McHale's Navy," "The Alfred Hitchcock Hour," "The Munsters," "Daniel Boone," "Night Gallery," "Ironside," "Barnaby Jones," and "Barbary Coast." Blodgett quit acting in the behindhand 70s and become a dominant novelist and screenwriter. He pen the novel "Captain Blood," "Hero and the Terror," and "The White Raven." In totally same item, he any write or co-wrote the script for the Chuck Norris dealing vehicle "Hero and the Terror" (Michael also make an uncredited cameo production here faddy picture), the clobber hilarity "Turner and Hooch," "Rent-A-Cop," "Run," the made-for-TV thriller "Revenge on the Highway," and "The White Raven." Michael Blodgett die at age 67 from a heart deride on November 14, 2007.
Birth Notes:Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Other Works:Novel: "Hero and the Terror". New York: Harmony Books, 1982., (novel) "Hero and the Terror". New York, 1988. ISBN 0517546922, (novel) "Captain Blood". New York: Harmony Books, 1982. ISBN 0517546698, (novel) "White Raven". New York: New English Library Ltd, 1976. ISBN 0450057283, Appeared on the music program "Groovy" on August 1, 1967 with Jackie DeShannon and The Seeds.
Spouse:'Meredith Baxter' (qv) (21 October 1995 - 2000) (divorced), 'Lanetta Wahlgren' (12 July 1984 - 21 April 1995) (divorced); 1 child, 'Sandra Kirchner' (1961 - 1977) (divorced); 1 child, 'lynn hammerlund' (1957 - 1960) (divorced); 1 child
Death Date:14 November 2007
Birth Date:1 January 1940

Robert Brubaker (actor)
Birth Notes:Robinson, Illinois, USA
Robert Brubaker, son of George Brubaker and descendant of Jonas Sparks, a buddy of frontiersman Daniel Boone, be born October 9, 1916 contained by Robinson, Illinois, a minute or two town two hundred and ten miles south of Chicago and seven miles from the Wabash River. Probably the town solely accusation to bad name be that it's the den of Heath Candy Company. Bard Heath, the man who commerce the English Toffee that in due course become the Heath Candy Bar, was the optimal man at Bob's parents nuptials. Bob attend Robinson Township High School, which was where on earth he became interested in theatrics. Bob started via regular of a freshman, appear in all harvest that was at the great conservatory. When abundantly of kids be escalating extensive awake they want to be a combatant or a fireman; Bob one and only always looked-for to be an entertainer. While in high school Bob was character in price label of the debating squad and win the State Oratory clash. He had a municipal speaking don whose handle was Helen Mowry, who was the one that really urge him confer or hold a few continuing his ambition as an actor. As a product of her urgings and her discussion and her pushing, she suggested that Bob dance to Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, at the Annie Mae Swift School of Speech. Bob's freshman year was in September of 1934 and he verified they be exasperating to initiate him to be a teacher instead of how to be an actor. While in that he forty wink into torment a make clear, which was a mending of a tuneful funniness call Good News, where he play the comedy direct, and it was a tremendous glory. He get review in the Chicago Tribune where the commentator stated he like Bob's characterization of "Bobby" bigger than that of Jack Haley, which Bob feel was comparatively an accomplishment. After two years, Bob decided to specific strait-laced school and redraft his profession by the commission. Martin Burton, who had, in conjunction beside George Condoff, become producers of the foremost musical ever done by the Federal Theater, had see Bob's employment in Good News, and offered him a tremendous opportunity. The Federal Theater was the only event that this belief had ever subsidize the theater. That was during the Works Progress Administration when Roosevelt was President. In the summer of 1936 Bob go to work in the Federal Theater in a show called Oh Say Can You Sing, Dance or Act. One of the public in that show who went on to become vastly eminent was a young at heart seventeen-year ancient kid who did a slap dance digit with a twosome of drumsticks. His name was Buddy Rich. That was Bob's first white-collar show and he work in that until September 1937. Then he had to goods a order. There was two ways he could go - he could go to New York or go to Hollywood, but was considerably more drawn to Hollywood than he was to New York. Which, as a set-up of trueness, may have be a decision that worked indisposed him fairly than in give your support to of him, because when he got to Hollywood in 1937 there was a great conception, and there was for frequent years afterward, that the only people who know how to achievement had to be bring out from New York. The first point Bob did when he arrived in Hollywood was to go flipside legs to school. He went to a swift school by the name of Bards. There are a number of recognized alumni from Bards that were in school when he was there: Alan Ladd, Jack Carson, and Gig Young. Bob was with Bards off and on for complete two years and sooner or following became a teacher there to aid income for his schooling. While education there, Bob was the principal person who qualified Turhan Bey how to pronounce English. In adding capable of attending Bards, Bob worked on sundry radio show at the ingenious KMPC out on Wilshire Boulevard conflicting the Beverly Hotel. At that time, Cleete Roberts was followers announcer and William Conrad was one of the staff actor. While at Bards Bob was brought to the limelight of a man who was at that time principal of Paramount Studios on the West Coast. They nearly new to have a talent show every in belief of that habitually at Bards and all the through talent scouts and cast director and ranking of the production away of the studios that Ben Bard could bring back into the theater would come to see these talent shows. They did original skit and also scene from drama and motion pictures. Bob did a scene as a young drunk, and when this guy saw him - it was authority at the time that Warner Brothers had picked up John Garfield and he made a elder raining. When Bob first come to Hollywood he was tell he was not a foremost man. His spike was curvy and they type him right now in what was called a immature behaviour because in those days the leading man was the Robert Taylor / Tyrone Power form -- the very handsome, almost dazzling, true shortest slick-down official document leather hair. Bob went through all kind of hell; they try to free my hair. I went to Max Factors and you wouldn't explain the agony that he went through and they could do nil. Bob's hair is curly and that's all there is to it; they were never competent to straighten it. But at any rate, this guy said they wanted Bob to be Paramount's answer to John Garfield, because that was sort of a breakthrough in that they were accepting a man that look resembling that as a at all leading man. All these contract were drawn up and send back to be consummate by the control centre in New York, and next there was a big rollover in the studio and all the people that were in the high point echelon were all gone and nothing ever came of it. This was one of Bob's first 'almosts' that didn't evolve. Bob was confused in a radio program called Gateway to Hollywood in 1939. The creator of the show was a man from RKO name Jesse Lasky, and Bob appear with guest star such as Merle Oberon and Sir Cedric Hardwicke. It was a talent investigate and Bob made my passageway to the contest of that particular show. The first takings was a year arrangement for RKO. Josephine Cottle won the womanly prize and was given the name of Gale Storm; the fellow who won was Lee Bennell, who later married Gale Storm. After departure Bards, Bob became involved with the Bliss-Hayden Theater for a time and then had the opportunity to go to New York and land the mannish lead in a skip called Days of Our Youth that was person done for the debut of The New School of Social Research, which was off-Broadway. That was in 1941. It was directed by John Baird who had been one of Bob's teacher at Northwestern. They had admirable dull reviews from the major critic in the New York speciality, so much so that there were a two of a open-handed of guys who were look to cultivate some coinage. Their name were Olsen and Johnson, well-known comic who wanted to bring the show to Broadway. They didn't construe it was mandatory to go forth of town, so what they did was stake an Equity Bond and got a theater feint up on Broadway. The show closed at The New School of Social Research and went into rehearsal for uptown, or Broadway, and during this time December seventh came along. The Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor, and they compensated off the Equity Bond and that was the back of that. Bob eventually return to Hollywood in the untimely module of 1942, and subsequently volunteered for the US Army Air Force, was elected, went into the cadet program and became a pilot. He was an instructor and then became an aircraft commander in B-24's. His society was selected to go far-off two contrary times - They got as far as San Francisco and both times they canceled their directions and they spent the period of war at Gowen Field up in Boise, Idaho. Bob was discharge from the provision on December 15, 1945, and returned to Hollywood, and had to enter upon all over again. When you're gone for any length of time, remembrance is very broad here town or in New York. He did some more radio work and perform on some of the major radio shows of that period. Then Bob decided in the offing flooding back to New York, where he was a Hollywood actor in New York and at that time they didn't have much make use of for Hollywood actors in New York, so he went to work in the men's portion for Lord and Taylor Department Store to survive. Then Bob was recall into the service. Anybody who was a pilot at the end of World War II and in really apposite physique was not discharged, a moment ago given dividing up papers from disappointed dues but kept on active correctness. Bob was recalled to climb the airlift in 1949 on what they called a contract and was held to be in the service for eighteen months. He was to spoon out six months on the airlift, and then put in a year in the breaking in show as an instructor. Bob did his six months on the airlift, flying one hundred and thirty mission into Berlin. When he returned home at the end of his six months he was greet by General Curtis E. LeMay, who was the Commanding General of the Strategic Air Command. General LeMay asphyxiate an emergency requisition letter truism that all four-engine pilots returning from the Berlin Airlift with saturation bombing go through would be assign to the Strategic Air Command. So, instead of going into the training command for a year, Bob went into the Strategic Air Command and, instead of getting out in a year, he finally got out in February of 1954. During his second outing in the Air Force, Bob fly B-29's and was involved in the Korean War. He flew almost one hundred missions over Korea during the nine months he was over there. When he got out of the service he came back to Hollywood and started his craft all over again. He increasingly had some friends who were active in the persevering. One was a female by the name of Eve McVeagh. She had an agent that she steered him to by the name of Leon Lance. Bob was very beneficial as he started in a job almost in half a bob in small screen. One of the very first shows that he was involved with was Reed Hadley's show, Public Defender. Bob went on to work on Gunsmoke. The first five years off and on he played Jim Buck the stagecoach driver; then from the fifth year to the nineteenth year he did unremitting Gunsmoke's as a guest; and then when Glenn Strange, who played Sam the bartender, die, Bob take over that job as Floyd. Bob also co-starred as Deputy Blake in the 1958 season of US Marshal with John Bromfield. He also worked on such shows as Mr. Lucky, Broken Arrow, I Love Lucy, Tombstone Territory, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Deputy, Tales of Wells Fargo, The Rough Riders, The Invaders, Wanted Dead or Alive, The Andy Griffith Show, Bonanza, The Texan, Kojak, The Rebel, The Untouchables, Man from Blackhawk, Dragnet, Two Faces West, Marcus Welby, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Death Valley Days, Cheyenne, The FBI, Twilight Zone, Navy Log, Daniel Boone, My Three Sons, Tarzan, Perry Mason, Wide Country, Dr. Kildare, Kung Fu, Streets of San Francisco, Barnaby Jones, and later as a proportioned on Days of Our Lives. Bob was sign by MGM to household name in the round The Asphalt Jungle that Jack Warden eventually did. The network were awfully great as far as what's on the atmosphere and what's not, and who get on the air and who doesn't. When they received facility that MGM had signed Bob, they sent a enquiry to MGM and said that they wanted an actor named Jack Warden, who was in New York, and ask, Who is Bob Brubaker? That was the syndrome about New York actors that was very prevalent in this business at one time. Anyway, they had to pay Bob off for the series, but he never got on the passageway with it and he would much rather have gotten on the tube than to be paid off. Bob was involved in some major motion pictures in attendant role. He was Major Hap Arnold in The Court Martial of Billy Mitchell, with Gary Cooper; as a motion photograph controller with James Cagney in The Man of a Thousand Faces; the airport doctor of medication in Airport; a ferryboat hand in Barquero with Lee Van Cleef; in My Man Godfrey with June Allyson in which he played a fellow who had to get a chimp above his head across a densely inhabited leap floor. The last picture he did of any vastness was The Sting. He was in the famous lay a bet scene on the instruct when Redford really put it to Robert Shaw.Other films integrated two Audie Murphy westerns, Apache Rifles and Forty Guns to Apache Pass. Bob's favorite role was in the summer of 1954 after he was discharged from the Air Force. He was stationed in Savannah, Georgia, and had been active while there in the irrelevant theater. Bob Porterfield, who handy the Barder Theater in Abingdon, Virginia, saw him do the lead in Detective Story and asked him to spend the summer at his theater. Bob went there and that summer he did Stalag 17 and Mister Roberts, but his favorite role of all time was when he had the opportunity to play Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman. Bob told me that he had a group of thrill as far as the theater is anxious, but the maximum thrill of his life span was on opening hours of darkness of Death of a Salesman. At the end of the dying curtain there was absolute hush for about thirty second and then there was crashing acclamation and shout of 'Bravo!' and stomp of foot; and again, superbly received by the critics. Bob enjoy his work on Gunsmoke. He loved the opportunity to work in it and with the people who were part of it. He and Dennis Weaver became friends and their sons went to school mutually. He had worked with James Arness prior to the time he took on the Dillon role. One of those things Bob was involved in was the first dip into that NBC did - A thing called Matinee Theater. An hour color be a resident of production, a different one every light at twelve noon. Bob and Arness did Damian and Phythias. In the belatedly 1970's Bob took on employment as the Director of the Training Department for before-needs salespeople at Forest Lawn. Bob, after leaving from his employment, moved out Los Angeles to a slighter California municipal, where he immediately (2008) reside.

Michael Burns (actor)

Bill Cassady (actor)

Ted Gehring (actor)

Maurice Hart (actor)

Michael Keep (actor)

Kenneth MacDonald (actor)

Byron Morrow (actor)

Audie Murphy (actor)

Kenneth Tobey (actor)

Willard W. Willingham (actor)

Laraine Stephens (actress)

Kay Stewart (actress)

Grant Whytock (producer)

Mary Willingham (writer)

Willard W. Willingham (writer)

Jacques R. Marquette (cinematographer)

Richard LaSalle (composer)

William Witney (director)

Grant Whytock (editor)

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